
Why Your Friends Will Always Be More Important Than A Partner

Why Your Friends Will Always Be More Important Than A Partner

No matter what happens in life, you can always trust that group of best friends to pick you up when you’re feeling down. Boyfriends come and go, some may even stay, but the relationship cannot be compared to the bond you have built with your friends.

They are the ones who will help you with everything and will sit and listen to all your problems without criticism. When you’re going through a tough breakup, there won’t be an ‘I told you so,’ but they will teach you how to have a good time being single. And they don’t judge you for your bad decisions in life, because most likely they have been through the same thing. You can live without a partner, but you could not do it without your friends by your side.

There Is No Shame

There Is No Shame

Rule number one with your best friends: never be ashamed to speak your mind. You can tell them anything, and they won’t care. It’s probably because they can relate to you. They are both women, so they know exactly how it feels when their emotions run wild during that time of the month.

Explaining this to your boyfriend isn’t always easy, and for the most part, they just don’t get it. You are not ashamed to tell your friends about your digestive problems or ingrown hairs; they understand it and will never judge you for things like that.

Give Good Advice

Give Good Advice

The best advice usually comes from a close family member or your friends. They know you very well and, because they have been through similar situations themselves, they are always there to help you in your time of need. You can hardly ask your partner about problems with other people, and it just wouldn’t have the same result.

They Remember The Little Details

They Remember The Little Details

A true best friend will never forget your birthday or other important dates that mean a lot to you. Your mission is to remember the little things about you. Your boyfriend will probably have to remember important dates and may forget your anniversary.

They Like The Same Things

They Like The Same Things

One of the reasons you and your friends get along so well is because you have so much in common. They’re always up for watching Friends or Gossip Girl, which isn’t the kind of thing your part likes. You can change clothes with your friends, and your friends will tell you what looks good on you or what is better to throw away. Your boyfriend will likely only tell you what he thinks you want to hear rather than the truth.

You can text them whenever you want

You can text them whenever you want

There is always the risk of texting your boyfriend, as you don’t want to appear annoying. Should you write twice, or does that make you seem too desperate? When it comes to texting your friends, none of this crosses your mind. You know there is no reason to worry, they don’t care how many times you text them in a day. And you can tell them anything, no matter how weird it sounds, and they will never feel strange about it. That’s what happens when you know someone so well.

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